Monday, August 10, 2009

Lions, Tigers & The Rainforest Cafe...Oh My!

Nana, Grandpa, Baba, and Papa were so sweet to take a day off and treat Conor to the Zoo and the Rainforest Cafe. In preparation for the big day Baba and Nana even bought him zoo and animal books to get him excited. It was quite an experience and one that none of them will soon forget! Apparently it was one of the hottest days of the year, which make it even more of an adventure. Conor came home with a bag full of souvineers and many funny memories :) One funny story we have to share is that they sat really close to these two giant elephants at the Rainforest Cafe and Conor was totally freaked out everytime they would start moving around and making noise. So now everytime he sees the little stuffed elephant that they bought him he throws it as hard as he can across the room...its hysterical!

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