Yesterday we went to Aunt Barb and Uncle Jeramy's house so that Conor could play in the pool. At first he wanted nothing to do with it. In fact we had the hardest time just getting him outside! We managed to bribe him with a wonderful cupcake that Barb had made to get him near the pool. Then we got him to throw the football with me while I was in the pool and he stood on the first step. Finally he decided the rafts looked pretty fun. He thought it was pretty cool going out to the middle of the pool on his raft!
After reading many books on food and nutrition and countless hours of research, we had a crazy thought to start a blog. It's all about simplifying healthy living. We'd be delighted if you would check it out.
I cannot believe that we've lived in Dallas for 8 years now and we just recently made trip out to the Fort Worth Zoo. What an incredible place! Conor absolutely loved it! His favorite animal was the elephant...he could have watched them all day. He got to ride the carousel with his Aunt Natalie, had ice cream at the Bluebell ice cream parlor, and then we all took the little train back to the entrance. He even convinced his Aunt Natalie to buy him a toy at the gift shop...who could say "no" this face :) Conor was in heaven!...he keeps telling us that he wants to do that again. The weather could not have been more perfect. It was a great experience! We hadn't even pulled out of the parking lot and I looked back to find Conor passed out...he slept the whole way home!
A couple of weeks ago Conor's Grandma & Grandpa came to visit. They brought him some fun new puzzles and the Candyland board game. I was so amazed when I walked into the kitchen and found Conor and his Daddy playing a round of Candyland together. Conor was actually paying attention and following the rules. If I'm not mistaken he went on to beat his Daddy as well as his Mommy later that night :)
Last month we enrolled Conor in a "Fun & Fit" class at the Frisco Athletic Center. We thought he'd enjoy getting out and meeting new kids. For the first few weeks he was super shy. However, every week he participated a little more than the last. By the last week he was running around and having a great time. We definitely made some progress!
Ava invited Conor to her school's Spring Festival a few weeks ago. (I know I am so behind on posts!...I'm trying to catch up.) They had so much fun doing all of the things that kids love to do: eat popcorn, blow bubbles, sidewalk chalk, painting, running, and a petting zoo! Conor was actually excited to go into the petting zoo...I wasn't sure how he'd react to the animals. He did great. He had no desire to hold or pet them...thank goodness! They had such a blast running around together and checking out all of the fun activities. It was the perfect day to spend outside enjoying this beautiful Spring weather!
The Easter Bunny brought Conor his first kite for Easter this year. He had a blast learning to fly his kite out in the field. We were so surprised by his patience and focus. He did such a great job keeping it in the air. I was so impressed! I think Daddy and Papa remembered how much they enjoyed flying kites as well :) They were all out there for the longest time just staring into the sky.