I can't say it enough...I love this kid! He's such a good little boy. Sure, he has his moments...after all he is only 23 months. That's right...he'll be 2 years old next month! We can hardly believe it. Conor is such a smart little boy. All of a sudden lots of new sounds are coming out of his mouth. It is just a matter of time before his vocabulary expands drastically. It's getting easier to understand him lately; our communication is improving. At school he has been singing "The Wheels on the Bus" and its so cute because we'll catch him humming to the tune of the song and even trying to sing it. He is so funny because if we acknowledge that he's singing he gets really mad at us and stops singing. So whenever we hear him we have to be quiet and just listen :) He knows all of his colors, he draws circles, he even knows his right and left hands and feet...amazing! When he picks up a pen he writes across the page from left to right...almost as if he's trying to write words...not draw. We have to constantly watch him because he's so curious and wants to mimic everything that we do. When we take him out shopping or to eat at a restaurant he is so incredibly well behaved. He eats so his food so carefully and is ridiculously neat. Our weekends together are priceless...it is so much fun to watch him learn and discover new things each and every day.